

Training for Color Me Rad 5k... and Stuff about Bethany Hamilton

I have decided to take part in the Color Me Rad 5k with my Aunt Gina. I have never run anything before in my life and I'm a little nervous but I think it's a good way to begin training for my marathon. We have both downloaded the Couch to 5k app and started training on Saturday, 6/15/13. Our plan is to pick a city along the east coast that we want to run this race in, and get ourselves prepared in time. I'm very excited to be participating in something like this, because my health conditions have previously held me back from doing anything physical or fun for a very long time. I, however, am quite over letting my situation dictate what I can and can't do. I recently had an opportunity to hear Bethany Hamilton speak and she was so inspiring. If you don't know who she is, it is SO worth the ten minutes to google her. Essentially, she was a 13 year old surfer girl from Kaui, that got her arm taken off by a shark, just as she was on the cusp of getting sponsored for professional surfing. She went on to not only get back in the water & re-learn to surf on regular competitive boards, but she realized her dream of becoming a professional surfer. She is someone I look up to and someone who reminds me to push through, have faith, keep going, work hard and come out the other side. So, even though a 5k is just a little baby run, it's going to be huge for me and I can't wait to see where else it will lead.

What kinds of activities have you participated in that took a lot of dedication & training? How did you feel afterwards? Leave your answers in the comments below!

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