

Feeling alive for the first time in a while.

I feel freaking amazing!

I don't know if it's because I had a really intense time of prayer and worship the other night, but ever since then, I have had a very different perspective on just about everything. I have been trying to be authentic to my character and since starting in the place that is most important to me, I have been able to let my heart shine and sing. I feel rejuvinated, recuperated, revived!

I wrote the first page of my novel. It's wobbly, and I have no idea how to tie the overarching theme around all the bits and pieces I have in my head, but it's a start and that's more than I can say for the last year of my life. I'm also going to sign up for my first 5k next month. Even though I think I could be more prepared, I'm just going to do it. The worst that can happen is that I walk some of it. I'm doing it, I don't care. And then I'm going to do another one in the spring with Gigi. I'm singing again... very loudly. In front of people... In the shower. I am even contemplating getting a she&him like duo together with any of my talented singer/guitar player friends. I'm wondering where I can start volunteering and getting involved with my community. I feel good about myself again... I mean, I am nowhere near the kind of healthy that I want to be... my body still hurts from the weight but I am learning to love myself despite what I've been through.AND!!! I can't believe I waited so long to talk about this; I'M FINALLY GOING TO EUROPE!!! I'm going to visit my friend, Morven in Scotland. I decided I just have to do it. i have to go and get the things I want or I will never get them. I should have done it long ago, but I was afraid. I'm not going to be afraid anymore. That's dumb. Life it too short, and like I said to Kyle last night, I want to hand my kid a shoebox full of photos and movies I made from all the wild adventures we had.

I feel alive for the first time in a long time. I'm making some break throughs, emotionally and I'm starting to feel mended.

My heart is totally full!




  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your spirit, your character, your style, your motivation and your ability to see that you were running in the wrong direction for awhile. Think forward, prepare and do not dig holes...emotionally, financially or phyisically! YOU ARE ON THE MOVE! Rejoice!

  2. Kristine!!! Thank you SO much for the encouragement and kind words!! I appreciate it so much... Definitely on the move!! And I hope it's encouraging to other people to move and just keep going even if they are struggling... just keep moving!!!

    Hope all is well, Lovely!

